

Created by Thornwillow

An exquisite letterpress printed and hand bound limited edition of Fitzgerald's masterwork with Art Deco flair.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Gatsby Illustrations coming off press and LAST HOURS for DEATH ON THE NILE.
over 5 years ago – Thu, Aug 08, 2019 at 07:16:50 PM

The illustrations for The Great Gatsby are rolling off the press.

Dear subscriber:

We thought you would enjoy seeing these quick snapshots of the images coming together. The illustrations for THE GREAT GATSBY are printed letterpress on our Heidelberg flatbed cylinder press. Each color must be printed separately and aligned on top of the previous color. This requires tremendous precision on the part of the pressman who makes sure that each color registers with the color that was printed before. 


Laying down the first color for THE PLAZA HOTEL. Note the initial O has been printed in green as well. This sheet of paper will pass through the press SIX times before it gets folded and bound.
Laying down the first color for THE PLAZA HOTEL. Note the initial O has been printed in green as well. This sheet of paper will pass through the press SIX times before it gets folded and bound.
Proof looking ahead to the additional colors
Proof looking ahead to the additional colors


The first layer of PENN STATION... Note the green initial A has also already been printed.
The first layer of PENN STATION... Note the green initial A has also already been printed.
And the mockup showing the addition of the second color...
And the mockup showing the addition of the second color...


The VALLEY OF ASHES first color printed letterpress.
The VALLEY OF ASHES first color printed letterpress.
Proof indicating the additional colors
Proof indicating the additional colors

If all goes as scheduled, we will complete the printing of the illustrations by the end of next week and will show you more images as they come together.

Best regards from the press,


PS: I ALSO WANTED TO BE SURE YOU WERE AWARE that today is the last day of our campaign for the first fine press edition of Agatha Christie's DEATH ON THE NILE. There are still a few hours left to subscribe to the edition at pre-publication prices and be included on the subscriber's registry.

A few hours remain to subscribe to Thornwillow's edition of DEATH ON THE NILE.
A few hours remain to subscribe to Thornwillow's edition of DEATH ON THE NILE.

DEATH ON THE NILE - A New Publication from Thornwillow Press
over 5 years ago – Tue, Jul 23, 2019 at 02:48:28 PM

Announcing Agatha Christie's DEATH ON THE NILE from Thornwillow Press

Thornwillow presents the first fine press edition of Agatha Christie's Masterpiece DEATH ON THE NILE
Thornwillow presents the first fine press edition of Agatha Christie's Masterpiece DEATH ON THE NILE

Dear Subscriber,

As a supporter of our edition of The Great Gatsby, I wanted to let you know that the edition is progressing beautifully at the press. The book has been on press for the last two weeks and has about 10 more days to go before the pages can move into the bindery. It is coming together beautifully and I look forward to sending you some photographs as the production continues to move along. The illustrations, in particular, are exceeding my expectations.

In about ten days THE GREAT GATSBY will move from the press room into the bindery.
In about ten days THE GREAT GATSBY will move from the press room into the bindery.

With progress moving along so well on this edition, it is time to announce our next project. I am happy to report that, with the blessing of Agatha Christie’s family and estate, we are publishing the first ever fine press edition of one of her most iconic works — Death on the Nile

As with all Thornwillow publications, this edition is printed letterpress, bound by hand, signed, numbered, and will include a list of subscribers. There are several versions from which to choose — ranging from copies bound in letterpress printed paper wrappers to full leather bindings tooled in gold and set with cabochon jewels.

We are offering DEATH ON THE NILE in a variety of versions from copies bound in letterpress printed paper wrappers to unique full leather bindings set with genuine cabochon jewels. The half leather binding (above) features handmade pastepaper made especially for the edition and is presented in a suede lined clamshell box with a gold tooled leather spine label.
We are offering DEATH ON THE NILE in a variety of versions from copies bound in letterpress printed paper wrappers to unique full leather bindings set with genuine cabochon jewels. The half leather binding (above) features handmade pastepaper made especially for the edition and is presented in a suede lined clamshell box with a gold tooled leather spine label.


We have also endeavored to create a campaign which is itself worthy of Christie's exciting text; over the course of the next three weeks, a mystery will be unraveling around the campaign. Follow the project to follow the mystery. You do not need to back the project to participate in the contest—the grand prize being a one-of-a-kind full leather copy set with a cabochon opal. The more participation in the mystery the better... and we will be giving rewards to ALL backers based on participation in the mystery. 

The one-of-a-kind prize volume will be awarded to the winner of the THORNWILLOW DEATH ON THE NILE MYSTERY CONTEST.
The one-of-a-kind prize volume will be awarded to the winner of the THORNWILLOW DEATH ON THE NILE MYSTERY CONTEST.

Thornwillow is committed to teaching and perpetuating the related arts and crafts of the written word and to bringing out books that will become heirlooms for readers today and for years to come. We need your support to make this happen. Please consider backing this project and join us in celebrating the written word.

With very best regards from the press,

Luke Pontifell

PS I am also pleased to announce that we have just posted the newest episode in our ongoing podcast series The Colophon. On this episode, my guest is Col. David Harper, head of the Departments of English and Philosphy at West Point. He is a bibliophile, Milton scholar, and lead the team of Thornwillow Institute / West Point Fellows who worked with us on our edition of poetry and prose to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the end of World War I — Beauty is the Beginning of Terror.

BEAUTY IS THE BEGINNING OF TERROR: A volume of poetry and prose to commemorate the centennial of World War I was edited with the help of Thornwillow Institute / West Point Fellows. The edition is almost finished in the bindery.
BEAUTY IS THE BEGINNING OF TERROR: A volume of poetry and prose to commemorate the centennial of World War I was edited with the help of Thornwillow Institute / West Point Fellows. The edition is almost finished in the bindery.

A new book with Henry Louis Gates, Jr.
almost 6 years ago – Wed, Apr 10, 2019 at 07:13:58 PM

Dear Friends,

I am pleased to announce the launch of our latest book.  

In partnership with celebrated literary critic, historian, filmmaker, and Harvard University professor Henry Louis Gates Jr., Thornwillow is setting out to publish a limited edition, letterpress, hand-bound volume: Frederick Douglass: Portrait of a Free Man.

Take me to Frederick Douglass!


With this project, we've set an ambitious goal on Kickstarter, and I hope I can count on your support to reach it. Best wishes and highest regards from the Press as always,


SURVEYS + Join us!
almost 6 years ago – Tue, Mar 26, 2019 at 06:26:49 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

about 6 years ago – Mon, Mar 11, 2019 at 02:05:07 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.